Evaluation of Yields and Chemical Composition of Unhairing Concentrate (UC) from Cowhide Unhairing Waste (CUW) Produced Using Different Process Methods
Unhairing Concentrate, Cowhide Unhairing Waste, Method Process, Yields, Chemical CompositionAbstract
Unhairing concentrate (UC) is one of the processed products from cowhide unhairing waste (CUW) which can be done through hydrolysis and fermentation processes. UC has the potential to be used as a protein source. CUW is obtained from the cowhide cracker processing industry (CCPI) process. The CUW processing method affects the yields and chemical composition of UC products. This study aims to evaluate the yields and chemical composition of UC products produced from CUW through the application of different process methods. A total of 5 treatments were applied in this study, namely: A0 = control; A1 = CUW + F-Bs ; A2 = CUW + CP + F-Bs; A3 = CUW + I-NaOH + F-Bs +; A4 = CUW + CP + I-NaOH + F-Bs, where CUW = Cowhide Unhairing Waste; F-Bs = Fermentation using Bacillus subtilis FNCC 0060; CP = Cooking Pressure using 21 Psi for 10 hours; I-NaOH = Immersion in NaOH 5% solution (1.25 M). The research design used CRD, 5 treatments with 3 repetitions. The final result shows that the yields value of UC is influenced by different processing methods. The difference in the process lowers the yield. Differences in the processing process at CUW can reduce fiber content and water content in UC products. UC products produced from CUW have the potential to be developed as substitute feed ingredients, especially for poultry. The A3 treatment gave better results than other treatments based on the results of both quantitative and qualitative studies.
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