Risk Analysis and Mitigation with Risk Assessment Method at PT. Semboro, Jember East Java
Risk, Risk Management, Risk MitigationAbstract
Make improvements to external matters related to the company and especially the company's internal, starting from the procurement of materials to the delivery of products to consumers. Industry in Indonesia every year has increased and decreased in the food, agriculture, plantation, handicraft, and other sectors. In the agricultural industry, especially sugarcane which is processed into sugar, demand is increasing. Sugar is one of the strategic commodities in the Indonesian economy. One of the sugar manufacturing industries in Indonesia is PG. Semboro is located in Jember. PG Semboro has been in existence since 1955 and started producing sugar in 1958. Intense competition and increasing uncertainty as well as rapid changes in the business environment will have an impact on the complexity of business risks that must be faced by the company. Therefore PG. Semboro needs to know the risks that occur and determine the steps that must be taken in handling these risks. This study aims to identify risks and mitigate the risks that occur. The method used in risk identification and mitigation is risk assessment. The results obtained are that there are 21 risk events with 5 priority risk events and 5 proposed mitigation action strategies to handle and minimize the impact and possibility of risk occurrence.
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