The Effect of the Shift System on the Physiological Response of Blood Pressure and Pulse Frequency on Nusa Cendana University's Campus Security Unit Officers


  • Iswaningsih University Of Nusa Cendana, AdisuciptoPenfui, Kupang 85228, Indonesia
  • Anderias U. Roga University Of Nusa Cendana, AdisuciptoPenfui, Kupang 85228, Indonesia
  • Jacob M. Ratu University Of Nusa Cendana, AdisuciptoPenfui, Kupang 85228, Indonesia
  • Pius Weraman University Of Nusa Cendana, AdisuciptoPenfui, Kupang 85228, Indonesia
  • Refli University Of Nusa Cendana, AdisuciptoPenfui, Kupang 85228, Indonesia


Work Shift, Blood Pressure, Pulse Frequency


Background: Changes in daily activity schedules, such as work shifts, disrupt the circadian rhythm, resulting in physiological effects such as sleep disruptions, fatigue, hypertension, cardiovascular issues, and diabetes.The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the shift system on physiological responses such as blood pressure and pulse frequency.Methods and Design: This study employs a quasi-experimental design. This study was done at the Nusa Cendana University's Campus Security Unit Office, with a sample size of 90 people.Total sampling was utilized, and the Kruskal Wallis test was performed to analyze the data. Results: The bivariate analysis indicated a significant value in the physiological response to blood pressure between the morning shift (p=0.000), night shift (p=0.000), and holiday shift (p=1,000), as well as in the physiological response to pulse frequency between the morning shift (p=0.829), night shift (p=0,548), and holiday shift (p=0,692).Conclusion: There is a significant effect of blood pressure on the morning and night shifts, but there is no effect on holiday rotation. The shift system has no effect on pulse frequency in the morning shift, night shift, or holiday rotation.


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How to Cite

Iswaningsih, Anderias U. Roga, Jacob M. Ratu, Pius Weraman, & Refli. (2021). The Effect of the Shift System on the Physiological Response of Blood Pressure and Pulse Frequency on Nusa Cendana University’s Campus Security Unit Officers. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(4), 61–66. Retrieved from


