Study of Gametogenesis Bamboo Coral Isis hippuris in Bone Tambung Island, Spermonde Archipelago, Makassar, South Sulawesi


  • Dining Aidil Candri University of Mataram Jl. Majapahit 62 Mataram 83125.


Gametogenesis, Males gonads, Females gamet, Histology, Isis hippuris


Isis hippuris is a species of coral abundant in Bone Tambung island, Spermonde islands, South Sulawesi. Isis hippuris is known as the bamboo coral, in Indonesia into the spotlight after their retrieval in large quantities while the reproduction has not researched Isis hippuris. Sampling was conducted from February to June 2014 at different stations. Based on observations of coral tissue preparations, Isis hippuris is a Gonokorik coral species that have only ovary or testis in one polyp. The results of observation showed oocytes discovered on February - June 2014. Based on the percentage of its appearance, oocytes are found at least in February, mainly oocytes Stage I. The oocyte diameters have different sizes each month. The average size of the smallest Stage I oocytes contained in May is 39.37 ?m while the biggest in May is 68.33 ?m. Testes formation begins while the earlier quarter and matures on the full moon or the end quarter early in March, the male gonads are found throughout months of observation, have different diameters. The average diameter of the testes is highest in April in Stage III 222.70 ?m range and the lowest for the observation in May at stage I ranges from 54.77 ?m


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How to Cite

Candri, D. A. (2022). Study of Gametogenesis Bamboo Coral Isis hippuris in Bone Tambung Island, Spermonde Archipelago, Makassar, South Sulawesi. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 61(2), 199–207. Retrieved from


