Study of the Distribution of the Lauwan Ethnic Groups and its Culture in Alor Districts, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province


  • Abubakar Iskandar


language, culture, domicile, clan, ethnic


Ethnic groups in an area have different characteristics, both language, culture, domicile, and clan characteristics. The differences in the characteristics of language, culture, domicile and clan are the main characteristics that distinguish  ethnic groups from others.The Lauwan ethnic groups have a local language that is used every day between members of the ethnic groups, and they have their own culture. In addition to language and culture, they also have different domicile areas, and they have their own clan that distinguishes it from other clans. The purposes of the research are: to explain the language used, to describe the culture adopted, to explore the domicile area and to know the name of the clan.The method used in the research is ethnography, the research design is descriptive qualitative, which prioritizes stories, narratives and opinions of informants. The techniques used in data collection are interviews, observation, literature study and documentation.The results showed that the Lauwan ethnic groups have their own local language, have knowledge of farming and farming habits with a shifting field system from one place to another, and plant corn, rice, beans.The beliefs held are Protestant Christianity and Islam. The art that is performed is dances which in the local language are called "Lego-lego". In marriage the price of women called "belis" is paid by using valuable objects, namely "Moko", Good and bad behavior are judged through religious teachings, written legal rules and not written. The Laiwan ethnic groups live in several places, they are in Kabir, Pantar District, Dubar and Kolijahi, East Pantar District. The clan of the Lauwan ethnic groups are called "Lab", which is still carried by both Protestant Christians and Muslims.


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How to Cite

Iskandar, A. . (2022). Study of the Distribution of the Lauwan Ethnic Groups and its Culture in Alor Districts, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 65(1), 96–109. Retrieved from


