Effects of the Gradual Incorporation of Cajanus Cajan Leaf Meal in the Diet of Laying Hens of the Lohman Brown Strain


  • Richard Missoko Mabeki 27 Abila street Talangai, Brazzaville, BP. 69, Républic of Congo Tel: (00242) 068559504
  • Silvère Dimi Ngatse 78 market street Talangai, Brazzaville, BP. 69, Républic of Congo Tel: (00242) 069552074
  • Gaël Stève Angandza
  • Paul Mopoundza
  • Parisse Akouango


Gradual, incorporation, Cajanus cajan, feed, laying hens


In order to enhance the leaves of Cajanus cajan in the diet of laying hens of the Lohmann Brown strain, a study was carried out at the zootechnics laboratory of the National School of Agronomics and Forestry (ENSAF) of Congo-Brazzaville during the period from January to June 2019. The general objective of this work is to contribute to the search for alternative ways to improve the feeding and productivity of laying hens in Congo. During this study, 40 pullets were divided into four (4) batches of 10 subjects each, subdivided into two sub-batches of 5 pullets of similar weight. Batches corresponding to four food treatments: CC0%, CC5%, CC10%, and CC15% where the flour from the leaves of Cajanus cajan was incorporated respectively at 0%; 5%; 10% and 15% by gradually replacing soybean meal. The food was distributed twice a day and the water ad libitum. It appears from this study that the 10% and 5% treatment gave better results compared to the Control. Statistically, no significant difference was observed between the 5%, 10% and 15% treatments compared to the control. The average live weight observed in animals fed with CC5% experimental food (1803g); CC10% (1904.5g) and CC15% (1904.5g) against 1769.65g for the control.

The average daily gain (ADG) was more interesting in the subjects fed with the food containing the flour of the leaves of Cajanus cajan CC15% (17, 79g), 10% (15,30g/J) than in the subjects fed with the CC0% control feed (13.50g/d) The incorporation of up to 15% of Cajanus cajan leaf meal in the feed of laying hens improved the production and coloring of the egg yolk and this in the 10 and 15% treatments.


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How to Cite

Richard Missoko Mabeki, Silvère Dimi Ngatse, Gaël Stève Angandza, Paul Mopoundza, & Parisse Akouango. (2023). Effects of the Gradual Incorporation of Cajanus Cajan Leaf Meal in the Diet of Laying Hens of the Lohman Brown Strain. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 67(2), 59–73. Retrieved from https://www.gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/15226


