Visual Passwords Using Automatic Lip Reading


  • Ahmad B A Hassanat Mutah University


speaker recognition, speaker authentication, lip reading, visual speech recognition, speech reading, VSR, visual feature extraction, , visual words, Behaviometrics, security.


This paper presents a visual passwords system to increase security. The system depends mainly on recognizing the speaker using the visual speech signal alone. The proposed scheme works in two stages: setting the visual password stage and the verification stage.

At the setting stage the visual passwords system request the user to utter a selected password, a video recording of the user face is captured, and processed by a special words-based VSR system which extracts a sequence of feature vectors. In the verification stage, the same procedure is executed, the features will be sent to be compared with the stored visual password.

The proposed scheme has been evaluated using a video database of 20 different speakers (10 females and 10 males), and 15 more males in another video database with different experiment sets. The evaluation has proved the system feasibility, with average error rate in the range of 7.63% to 20.51% at the worst tested scenario, and


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How to Cite

Hassanat, A. B. A. (2014). Visual Passwords Using Automatic Lip Reading. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(1), 218–231. Retrieved from


