Toolbox for the Development of Cadastral and Registration Proclamation for Second Level Certification Program in Ethiopia


  • Gebeyehu Belay Shibeshi BOKU university, Vienna and BoEPLAU (Bureau of Environmental Protection Land Administration and Use) of amhara region, Ethiopia
  • Helmut Fuchs
  • Reinfried Mansberger


Land administration principles, cadastral proclamation, toolbox, land administration system, sustainable development, RRR


Land together with its fixtures is the single most important asset in almost all societies. In Ethiopia land is also playing a pivotal role for sustainable development. Large scale cadastral projects supporting sustainable development and increased investments are planned all over the country as part of the country

Author Biography

Gebeyehu Belay Shibeshi, BOKU university, Vienna and BoEPLAU (Bureau of Environmental Protection Land Administration and Use) of amhara region, Ethiopia

PhD fello in BOKU and land administration expert in BoEPLAU


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How to Cite

Shibeshi, G. B., Fuchs, H., & Mansberger, R. (2014). Toolbox for the Development of Cadastral and Registration Proclamation for Second Level Certification Program in Ethiopia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(1), 244–259. Retrieved from


