The Protective Role of Black Seeds (Nigella sativa) on the Tissues of Liver and Kidney in Female Rabbits Treated with Green Lean Body Capsule


  • Muna M. Ismail
  • Rabab A. Naser
  • Mohammed Saad Almuslehi
  • Ahmmed M. Salah


Nigella sativa, Black Seeds, Rabbit, Kidney, Liver and Green Lean Body Capsule.


The seeds of Nigella sativa (Ranunculaceae herbaceous plant), commonly known as black seed or black cumin, are used as herbal medicine all over the world for the treatment and prevention of a number of disease and conditions like asthma, diarrhea and dyslipidaemia. The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of Nigella sativa in protection of the liver and kidney tissues against pathological changes caused by green lean body capsule in female rabbits. Fifteen female rabbits were involved in this study and were divided randomly into three groups (5 rabbits in each group) and treated as following daily for 30 days: control group drenched with 1ml normal saline orally; T1 group: drenched with (4.2mg/kg) of green lean body capsule orally; T2 group: drenched with green lean body capsule (4.2mg/kg) in addition to black seed (28mg/kg) orally. The (T1) group which received green lean body capsule only revealed approximately dominant destruction of liver and kidney tissues. While, group (T2) which received green lean body capsule in addition to black seeds revealed very mild destruction as compared with T1. On conclusion it seems likely that black seeds provided an excellent protection to liver and kidney tissues against oxidative stress of green lean body capsule.


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How to Cite

Ismail, M. M., Naser, R. A., Almuslehi, M. S., & Salah, A. M. (2014). The Protective Role of Black Seeds (Nigella sativa) on the Tissues of Liver and Kidney in Female Rabbits Treated with Green Lean Body Capsule. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(1), 123–130. Retrieved from


