The Effect of Pre-emergent Herbicides on Soil Microflora and N-Fixing Bacteria in Pea Field


  • Ali Mahmoud Zaid Azzytuna University
  • Muftah Mayouf
  • Yahya Said Farouj


Soil microflora, Herbicides, Legum crops


To study the effects of pre-emergence herbicides on soil microflora and nitrogen fixing bacteria in peas field [Pisum sativum],

Author Biography

Ali Mahmoud Zaid, Azzytuna University

I am a teaching staff member at the biotechnology department


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How to Cite

Zaid, A. M., Mayouf, M., & Farouj, Y. S. (2014). The Effect of Pre-emergent Herbicides on Soil Microflora and N-Fixing Bacteria in Pea Field. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(1), 131–138. Retrieved from


