Democrat Party - Press Relations


  • Naim Arikanoglu


Democrat Party, Republican People's Party, the Press, the Relations with Press


In order to understand the relations between the press and Democrat Party, it is important to look into the relations between the press and Republican People's Party which is their previous era. After the foundation of the republic, the government started to deal with the opposing movements by putting new laws into effect. Some of these laws were about the press and their freedom was also limited by these laws. As a result of these, the country was going towards an authoritarian government. After the Second World War started, The Republican People's Party put more pressure on people. But more and more pressure was put on the press. However, after the end of the war, the whole world changed the direction towards more freedom and Menderes and his friends wanted to make use of this opportunity and formed their opposition around this topic. As a result of this, the press started to support them. When they started to govern the country, they tried to remove the hindrances in front of freedom and made laws for more liberty. But later, many things started to go wrong, and the economic situation got worse. Then, the press started to oppose the government and the government started to make laws to hinder their freedom. This situation did not stay as a single event but throughout their ruling, the combat continued in the same way. The more the press opposed the more authoritarian the government became. Even towards the end of their ruling, the problem gained an international dimension and it was discussed in international arena. In the end, towards the coup d


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How to Cite

Arikanoglu, N. (2014). Democrat Party - Press Relations. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(1), 311–324. Retrieved from


