Graduate Dental Students Self-Assessment in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Competencies


  • Sina Haghani Far
  • Pouya Balmeh
  • Ehsan Moudi
  • Ali Bijani
  • Farida Abesi


Keywords, Self-Assessment, Graduate, Dentistry, Oral, Maxillofacial Radiology


In this study, competencies of graduate dental students of Babol University of Medical sciences were analyzed. This cross-sectional study was recruited among graduates of dentistry, from Babol University of Medical Sciences during 2012-2013.Sixty three students participated in this study consisted of 37 men(58.7%) and 26(41.3%) women. 4 students (6.3%) obtained GPA(average score out of 20) lower than 14, 48 people(76.2%) obtained GPA of 14 to17 and 11 people (17.5%) had a GPA over 17. 29 people (46%) were graduated in 2012 and 34 people (54%) in 2013. The students obtained the maximum score in intraoral radiography particularly periapical radiography and manual X ray


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How to Cite

Far, S. H., Balmeh, P., Moudi, E., Bijani, A., & Abesi, F. (2015). Graduate Dental Students Self-Assessment in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Competencies. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(2), 49–56. Retrieved from


