Analysis of Benzene Concentration Effects at Workplace to the Phenol Concentration in Urine of Painting Workshop Labors in Makassar, Indonesia


  • Muhammad Syafar
  • Abd. Wahid Wahab


Benzene Concentration, Phenol, Labors Urine.


Benzene in the body can cause central nervous system disorder, hematology disorder and the target is bone marrow. Benzene is used widely at the painting workshop as dissolvent since it is easily dissolved in paint. Workers who work at the workshop using spray paint have a high risk to benzene. The aim of the study was to analyze factors such as work experience, duration of spraying, ventilation, respirator and the most dominant factor affecting the Phenol level in the urine of the workers. The study was conducted at Painting workshop In Makassar and taking urine samples workers in the Occupational and Health Safety (OHS) laboratory. The study is done using a cross sectional design. The selection of samples was done by proportional random sampling with the Chi square analyses. The study benzene concentration in phenol level urine result that: (1) the employment duration ? 1 year (new) have poisoning 0%, normal 6,7% and the employment > 1 year (old) have poisoning 30%, normal 63,3%, (2) duration of spraying > 8 jam (long time) have poisoning 30%, normal 26,7% and spraying < 8 jam (short time) have poisoning 0%, normal 43,3%, (3) mild poisoning 26,6%, moderate poisoning 3,33%. The study indicates that benzene concentration have an effect Phenol levels in the urine are duration of employment and duration of spraying. It is recommended that control in working environment be done and use personal protective equipment for the workers. Related institution is hoped to control, guide and enforce rulers and legislation on matters pertaining to manpower especially occupational health and safety.


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How to Cite

Syafar, M., & Wahab, A. W. (2015). Analysis of Benzene Concentration Effects at Workplace to the Phenol Concentration in Urine of Painting Workshop Labors in Makassar, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(2), 439–445. Retrieved from


