Correlation between Parental Communication Pattern and Teenagers' Sexual Behavior at Senior High School of Tamansiswa Mojokerto, Indonesia


  • Muhammad Sajidin
  • . Nursalam
  • Santi Martini
  • Putri Dwi Rahmawati


teenagers, parental communication pattern, sexual behaviors.


Teenagers' unpreparedness in facing the change within him or herself, including increasing inner sexual temptation, makes him or her harder to be controlled. It's not uncommon that those conditions eventually lead to teenagers' inner conflict. The situation is worsened by the easiness in accessing inappropriate information regarding sex through printed or electronic media as well as peer roles in providing information about sex. Combined, both have significant effects in shaping teenagers' knowledge, attitude and behavior toward sex. Communication between parents and teenagers regarding sexuality has the most important and significant influence toward their sexual attitude and behavior. Effective communication between both has been identified as core strategy in endorsing responsible sexual behavior with regard to teenagers' minimum sexual experience. Through communication, parents are expected to be main source of information and educator in relation to sexuality for their teenagers. The objective of this research is to analyze the correlation between parental communication pattern and teenagers' sexual behaviors at SMA Tamansiswa Mojokerto. This research is designed as correlative analytical design of cross sectional study. Sampling technique of the research is probability sampling i.e. cluster random sampling.

Result of the research conducted between 26th - 30th of May 2014 suggests that there is a correlation between parental communication pattern and teenagers' sexual behaviors at SMA Tamansiswa Mojokerto. Chi Square data analysis with meaning value of 95% (?=0,05) shows that p value is 0.0000 for parental communication pattern and teenagers' sexual behaviors at SMA Tamansiswa Mojokerto. Communication between parents and teenagers can avoid them from having negative sexual behaviors. This is due to intensive communication and relationship between both sides, which means they share each other and mutually solve their problems.


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How to Cite

Sajidin, M., Nursalam, ., Martini, S., & Rahmawati, P. D. (2015). Correlation between Parental Communication Pattern and Teenagers’ Sexual Behavior at Senior High School of Tamansiswa Mojokerto, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 22(2), 93–99. Retrieved from


