Stem Cell Treatment for you in 2015. Areference for physicians, patients and Review of International Stem Cell Treatment centers


  • Dan Mfanfikile Gama Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Swaziland)


Pluripotent, Embryonic Stem Cells, Fetal Stem Cells, Adult Stem Cells, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Hematopoietic Stem Cells.


Stem cell reserves diminish with aging and we no longer effectively heal, with chronic illness being the result. With adequate numbers of stem cells the body is expected to heal naturally. Here we provide information and reference to both patients and doctors on therapeutic use of stem cells, treatment centers around the world, addresses, contact persons, treatment cost, and sources of stem cells used, type of conditions being treated and the protocols used. The treatment centers were directly contacted through email, phone call or through their web page. 11 treatment centers responded from 8 different countries with 4 in the USA alone, 4 treatment centers recommended by the Repair Stem Cell Institute which is the biggest patient advocate. Most treatment centers are outside the USA because of strict stem cell treatment regulatory laws within the USA. All the 11 Treatment Centers that responded were able to provide their contact details, source of Stem Cells being used and medical conditions being treated.

Such information will provide good guidance to both Physicians and patients who want to consider Stem Cell Treatment. It is hoped that more stem cell treatment centers will be reported about in the next publication as therapeutic stem cell regulatory laws become less strict especially in the USA.

Author Biography

Dan Mfanfikile Gama, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Swaziland)

Work as a Laboratory Specialist for Center od Disease Contrl and Prevention(CDC) - Swaziland


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How to Cite

Gama, D. M. (2015). Stem Cell Treatment for you in 2015. Areference for physicians, patients and Review of International Stem Cell Treatment centers. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 22(2), 161–190. Retrieved from


