Trans Fatty Acid: TFA Implication: Does it helpful or harmful?


  • T. Kusmiyati
  • . Santoso
  • C. Siagian


Trans Fatty Acid, Diabetes Mellitus, Beta Cells Pancreas.


The sources oftrans fatty acif (TFA) mostly are from processing of natural cis unsaturated fatty acids. In Indonesia, the main sources of TFA are deep fryingfoods, products of dehydrogenated fat such as margarine shortened hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO), breads, packaged snacks, chips, cereals, biscuits. There is not so many data available yet for TFA intake in Indonesia and also there is no awareness to write down TFA on label of food in Indonesia. In order to find out the TFA in food, so we should do laboratory analysis. Result of the laboratory analysis of hawker foods which are often consumed by Semarang citizens were examined at the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Integrated Laboratory 2011, TFA contain shows ranged from 0,01% (-2,4%) of total fat. Beef tripe fried rice is a kind of culinary product which containing highest TFA, this food consists of rice, margarine, eggs, gut and beef tripe fried-cook altogether using vegetables oil and margarine. A high intake of TFA has a bad effect on the lipid profile which is a predictor of atherosclerosis, and is a major underlying cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). TFA also increases the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol. Giving high TFA without an increase in calories, causing an increase in intra-abdominal fat deposit, insulin sensitivity failed, his efficiency decreased signal transduction of insulin. Research used Sprague-dawley (SD) rats proved that there is a strong positive correlation degree between the meaningful high feed intake of TFA with a weight of rats.

Observational studies and randomized controlled trials showed that a high intake of trans fatty acids generally increase the occurrence of systemic inflammation through changes in the levels of inflammatory mediators.Research in mice suggests that granting SD TFA increase the levels of NO and necrosis of pancreatic beta cells in a meaningful.High intake of TFA can lead to the occurrence of peroksidasi lipid cell membrane, it would cause the onset of oxidative stress.


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How to Cite

Kusmiyati, T., Santoso, ., & Siagian, C. (2015). Trans Fatty Acid: TFA Implication: Does it helpful or harmful?. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(1), 69–79. Retrieved from


