The Development of Torbangun Flour-Based Functional Supplementary Food for Breastfeeding Mother


  • Tetty Herta Doloksaribu
  • Hidayat Syarief
  • Rizal Damanik
  • Sri Anna Marliyati


Breastfeeding mother, supplementary food, torbangun


Breastfeeding mother requires more nutrients than non-breastfeeding mother. The aim of the study was to develop a torbangun-based supplementary food product in a form of a ready-to-eat food for breastfeeding mother with baby up to six months old and to to analyze characteristics of organoleptic properties, nutritional content, physical and microbiological properties. This study was a single factor experiment with completely randomize design. Product was made from corn flour, isolated soy protein, skimmed milk powder and sugar powder. The product was formulated using three treatments and those were adding 9.6 g (F1) torbangun flour, 10.8 g (F2) and 12 g (F3). The results of this study indicated


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How to Cite

Doloksaribu, T. H., Syarief, H., Damanik, R., & Marliyati, S. A. (2015). The Development of Torbangun Flour-Based Functional Supplementary Food for Breastfeeding Mother. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(1), 348–355. Retrieved from


