ACE Tax vs ASE Tax: The Croatian and Nordic Experience for Higher Neutrality


  • Ilija Gruevski
  • Stevan Lazar Gaber University of "Goce Delcev"-Stip


corporate income tax, cost of capital, effective marginal tax rate, classical corporation tax, debt, new equity issues, double taxation.


We may freely state that taxes bear two-sided nature. The first one and that is the good side of their essence is all about their role in contemporary public finance, sustaining the financial health of the modern-day state if properly managed. The second more menacing nature that occupies the interest of this article attributes to economic efficiency and the relatively high potential of taxes to disrupt the activities of economic participants, and the possibility to create a deadweight loss in the economy. Tax distortions are common for all the different groups of taxes, but for the corporate taxes are exceptionally evident. For example, one of the most typical is the distortion of corporate finance, when the choice for the financial alternative of the investment project is made. Induced by the traditional,

Author Biography

Stevan Lazar Gaber, University of "Goce Delcev"-Stip

Department od Finance, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Gruevski, I., & Gaber, S. L. (2015). ACE Tax vs ASE Tax: The Croatian and Nordic Experience for Higher Neutrality. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(3), 265–282. Retrieved from


