Visions of Knowledge a Nurse about the Triage System in Health Services at Emergency Care Unit at General Hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar


  • Ismail Ismail Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic at Makassar


Knowledge, triage system, emergency care.


Triage is a special process to select the patients based on the severity of injury or illness to determine what type of emergency care would be done immediately. This study is aimed to describe the nurse's knowledge about the health care system of triage in the emergency department at General Hospital (dr) Wahidin Sudirohosodo Makassar. This research is a quantitative research using descriptive design where the design of this study, researcher will describe the nurse's knowledge about the system triage in health care in the emergency department. Sampling of this research is study using incidental sampling technique that is done by taking a case or respondents existing or available at the time of the study. Results show Obtained 16 respondents. Excel data collection and statistical program (SPSS). Data analysis using frequency distribution and percentage. The results of data analysis showed that out of 16 respondents nurses meticulous 14 respondents (87.5%) both knowledgeable and just 2 respondents (12.5%) were less knowledgeable about the triage system in the ministry of health of the patients. Conclusions of this study are that nurses in the emergency department Hospital. DR. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar mostly gains good knowledge about triage system in emergence patient care.


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How to Cite

Ismail, I. (2016). Visions of Knowledge a Nurse about the Triage System in Health Services at Emergency Care Unit at General Hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 25(1), 151–156. Retrieved from


