The Use of Pesticides Against Blood Cholinesterase Level (The Analytical Study on Farmers in Torpedo Village, Sabbang Sub District, Luwu Utara District)


  • H. Hamsir Ahmad Department of Environmental Health, Polytechnic of Health, Makassar
  • Hidayat Hidayat Department of Environmental Health, Polytechnic of Health, Makassar


Pesticides, Blood Cholinesterase, personal protective equipment.


It was expected that farmers in the gathering / dispensing pesticides in order to follow the rules of the use of pesticides. It was expected to farmers to use personal protective equipment (PPE) at the time of contact with the pesticide.

Blood Cholinesterase was a enzymes form of biological catalyst in the body's tissues role to keep the muscles, glands and nerve cells to work in an organized and harmonious. Blood Cholinesterase is an indicator of subclinical pesticide poisoning and it can be determined by examining blood Cholinesterase activity into someone. The purpose of this study was known the relationship use of pesticide on levels of blood Cholinesterase on a rice farmer in the village torpedo Sabbang sub district, Luwu Utara district. This type of research is analytic survey research with cross sectional study to determine the relationship use of pesticide on levels of blood Cholinesterase on a farmer in the village of torpedo Sabbang sub district, Luwu Utara. The number of samples in this study were 73 samples. The results showed that length use of pesticides by respondents have longer use than shorter use, but from the results of statistical tests Ho refused meaning there was no significant relationship between length use of pesticides with high levels of farmers blood Cholinesterase, P> 0.005. There was no significant relationship between how pesticides mixing with high levels of farmers blood Cholinesterase, based on the statistical test Ho rejected P> 0.005. There were still some farmers do not use PPE at the time of contact with the pesticide, but from the results of statistical tests Ho refused meaning there was no significant relationship between the use of PPE with high levels of farmers blood Cholinesterase, P> 0.005. Suggestions in the study was expected that health care workers to provide education on the dangers of pesticides on health.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, H. H., & Hidayat, H. (2016). The Use of Pesticides Against Blood Cholinesterase Level (The Analytical Study on Farmers in Torpedo Village, Sabbang Sub District, Luwu Utara District). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 27(1), 214–228. Retrieved from


