Determining Important Parameters in Ebola Epidemics


  • Martin Arop Muni University, P.O Box 725, Arua and +256, Uganda
  • Livingstone Luboobi Makerere University, P.O Box 7062 , Kampala and +256, Uganda
  • Betty Nannyonga Makerere University, P.O Box 7062 , Kampala and +256, Uganda


Ebola, Hopf bifurcation, Sensitivity indices, Basic reproductive number, Prevalence.


The dynamics of Ebola can best be understood using a mathematical model that determines its dynamics in the community. The model designed in this study explicitly incorporates the latency period, the different transmission compartments, and immigration and emigration effects. The steady states of the system are analysed for existence of equilibria and their stability investigated. From qualitative analysis of the model, it is established that a disease-free equilibrium exists and is stable when


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How to Cite

Arop, M., Luboobi, L., & Nannyonga, B. (2016). Determining Important Parameters in Ebola Epidemics. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 28(2), 169–183. Retrieved from


