Communication Networks of Organic Rice Farmers in Tasikmalaya


  • Sri Wahyuni Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, Padang, 25163, Indonesia
  • Sumardjo Sumardjo Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agriculture University, 16680, Indonesia
  • Djuara P. Lubis Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agriculture University, 16680, Indonesia
  • Dwi Sadono Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agriculture University, 16680, Indonesia


communication networks, organic farming.


Communication network is an interaction between individuals with the immediate environment. The importance of one's position in the networks is not only determined by how much he/she is connected to many people but also considered as a bridge with lots of networks. The study was conducted in Tasikmalaya, in Jembar II, Sundamekar, Mekar Karya and Serbaguna II groups. The purposes of this study were to determine the actor who played the local, global and betweeness centrality; determine the factors associated with local, global and betweenees centrality; and to see the relationship dynamics and density of the group. The method used for this research was through survey, data were collected by interview using a questionnaire. This current research employed cluster random and census sampling techniques. Communication networks were analyzed using Ucinet 6 software, relationships between variables were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. The results of this study explained that the group of Mekar Karya has the highest score in local, global and betweenees centrality, while the lowest value of local, global and betweeness centrality owned by Serbaguna II group. The actor who plays the highest local centrality in production and marketing networks is the group leader.

While the global centrality and betweenees on the production networks played by members of the group and marketing networks played by the group's chairman. The lower value of local, global and betweenneess centrality, both in production and marketing networks, were played by members of the group. Factors associated with the communication networks is a non-formal education, support of NGOs, KOPERASI support, group purpose, group function and group pressure. Group dynamics are not related to the density of communication, but rather is determined by the group clarity of purpose, group function and group pressure.


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How to Cite

Wahyuni, S., Sumardjo, S., P. Lubis, D., & Sadono, D. (2016). Communication Networks of Organic Rice Farmers in Tasikmalaya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 28(2), 54–63. Retrieved from


