Review on the Opinions about the Aplication of Diminishing Returns Law


  • Suwandi Suwandi Head of Study Program of Regional and Urban Planning of Post Graduate of Cendrawasih University, Jayapura, Papua Indonesia
  • Kuwat Subyantoro Lecturer bof Regional and Urban Planning Studies, Graduate Program of the University of Cendrawasih Papua, Indonenesia


input, output, production elasticity, production function.


The importance of human needs upon food causes an opinion that agricultural sector is a productive sector with its surplus between the production and consumption results. The role of land is very essential for realizing the fulfilment of food needs. The combination between land and other production factors will result in food.

The economic thinkers from Physiocracy and Classical School stated that a theory on land rent which initially found in the framework of Turgot (1766) and David Ricardo (1821), as well as Thomas Robert Malthus (1820), brought a consequence on the application of Diminishing Returns law in agricultural production.


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How to Cite

Suwandi, S., & Subyantoro, K. (2016). Review on the Opinions about the Aplication of Diminishing Returns Law. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 29(1), 155–163. Retrieved from


