The Effect of Brand Equity on Service Reutilization Interest of Inpatient Instalation of Ibnu Sina Hospital, Makassar in 2015


  • Fridawaty Rivai Department of Hospital Management, Public Health Faculty of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Ridwan Amiruddin Department of Epidemiology Public Health Faculty of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Sumarni Sumarni Department of Hospital Management, Public Health Faculty of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Sukri Palutturi Department of Health Administration and Policy, Public Health Faculty of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


brand equity, service reutilization interest.


The number of hospital growth now has been increased rapidly and who can get trust from customers will be win this competition. To survive in a competitive market, "brand equity" it one important key for hospital. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of brand equity on inpatient reutilization interest at Ibnu Sina Hospital, Makassar in 2015. This research used quantitative method with cross sectional study.


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How to Cite

Rivai, F., Amiruddin, R., Sumarni, S., & Palutturi, S. (2016). The Effect of Brand Equity on Service Reutilization Interest of Inpatient Instalation of Ibnu Sina Hospital, Makassar in 2015. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 30(1), 213–222. Retrieved from


