Protein and Anthropometry Status and Nutirien Intake of Stunting Infants by Providing Amino AcidCysteine after Being Given High Dose of Vitamin A


  • Hendrayati Hendrayati Nutrition Department of Health Polytechnic in Health Ministry of Makassar Indonesia; Doctoral Program in Health Sciences, Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Bambang Wirjatmadi Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Merryana Adriani Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia


Cysteine Amino Acid, High Doses Vitamin A, Protein Urin, Body Weight, Body Height, Nutrient IntakeS.


Nutrition problem solving, including stunting, in South Sulawesi have been done by many government programs, and well as people initiative solution. Though this stunting problem still become a huge problem. Indonesian health data profile in 2011 reported that under-five-children nutrition prevalence status with TB/U index in South Sulawesi is remind in a high number of case, that is 38,8 % compared with national percentage 35,6 %. This problem deserve a special attention in South Sulawesi. One of amino acid that could help the acceleration of development process is cysteine Amino acid. It has an important role in accelerating hormone receptor transcription in zinc finger protein (ZFP) reaction, Transforming Growth Factor ? (TGF ?) induction and Cysteine Rich Intestinal Protein (CRIP) forming which is related to advance metabolic reaction. Cysteine amino acid providing is a must in metabolic reaction because Cysteine Rich Intestinal Protein (CRIP) is needed in macro and micro nutrition metabolic reaction. Cysteine amino acidic is an essential semi-amino acidic which is not provided fully by human


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How to Cite

Hendrayati, H., Wirjatmadi, B., & Adriani, M. (2016). Protein and Anthropometry Status and Nutirien Intake of Stunting Infants by Providing Amino AcidCysteine after Being Given High Dose of Vitamin A. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 29(3), 83–91. Retrieved from


