Performance of Midwives in Jayawijaya Papua


  • Dimara Frederika Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawsih University, Jayapura
  • Arry Pongtiku Lecturer of Postgraduate Program , Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawsih Postgraduate Program, Jayapura
  • A.L. Rantetampang Chief of Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Public Health, University Cenderawsih, Jayapura


Performance, Midwives, Maternal Mortality, Jayawijaya.


The maternal mortality ratio in Papua province is 396 / 100,000, this very high if compare with the national average based on the results of monitoring reports recaps Local Regional Maternal and Child Health (MCH PWS) in Jayawijaya 2015. In other words performance of midwives in the province of Papua, especially in Jayawijaya below minimum service standards (SPM). The purpose of this study was to assess the performance of midwives in health care programs in maternal and child Jayawijaya. This study uses a qualitative method phenomenology joint venture, which is supported by the quantitative data. To support the method referred to, in-depth interviews were also conducted on stakeholders ie those involved in maternal and child health services in Jayawijaya among others, Acting (Plt.) Head Healthy, Head of Family Welfare, Coordinator of midwives and midwives. Overall indicators of achievement of the performance of midwives in four of 13 health centers have been implemented properly observed. For example, it has been the implementation of services and programs for health care, welfare satisfaction levels are met midwife (incentive), regular visits work related agencies and personnel midwife training . Thus, if the terms of the standard of competency of midwives are almost half of the respondents ( 47%) have not attended training Normal Delivery care (APN). These results indicate that the performance of midwives in Jayawijaya still lacking and is still below the minimum standards of care that needs to be improved. Conclusion: Coverage of Maternal and Child Health Program in Jayawijaya namely: K1 = 63%. The results showed that the coverage performance of midwives is still below the national target achievement (95%).

This means that the performance of midwives overall in Jayawijaya still lacking, facilities and infrastructure (midwife kits, water, electricity, security, transportation) are still less by midwives, Structural difficult geographical (mountains, valleys and rivers) make the regions far from service centers are hard to reach because they do not have access to good transportation, absence of security guarantees from the local government and local communities, which led to midwives often experience acts of violence such as threats, robbery, burglary tools midwife, even up to the action sexual harassment, incentives received based on interviews of informants (PJ) and (DD) felt good enough. The role of the relevant agencies based on interviews of informants (PJ) and (ML) said there was a visit from the relevant agencies, namely the Department of Health and health centers, training based on interviews of informants (OR) reveals some training and retraining is often done to improve the quality of services provided.


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How to Cite

Frederika, D., Pongtiku, A., & Rantetampang, A. (2016). Performance of Midwives in Jayawijaya Papua. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 29(3), 155–164. Retrieved from


