An Improved Neural Q-learning Approach for Dynamic Path Planning of Mobile Robots


  • Lei Ye College of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, ChangSha, 410073, Hunan, China
  • Siding Li College of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, ChangSha, 410073, Hunan, China
  • Zhenhua Huang College of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, ChangSha, 410073, Hunan, China


Reinforcement learning, Q-learning, mobile robot, dynamic path planning.


Dynamic path planning is an important task for mobile robots in complex and uncertain environments. This paper proposes an improved neural Q-learning (INQL) approach for dynamic path planning of mobile robots. In the proposed INQL approach, the reward function is designed based on a bio-inspired neural network so that the rate of convergence of INQL is improved compared with the Q-learning algorithm. In addition, by combining the INQL algorithm with cubic B-spline curves, the robot can move to the target position successfully via a feasible planned path in different dynamic environments. Simulation and experimental results illustrate the superior of the INQL-based path planning method compared with existing popular path planning methods.


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How to Cite

Ye, L., Li, S., & Huang, Z. (2016). An Improved Neural Q-learning Approach for Dynamic Path Planning of Mobile Robots. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 30(1), 246–264. Retrieved from


