Model Development of Principal Performanc Through Empirical Study on Junior High School in Medan Indonesia


  • Tiur Asi Siburian Department of Educational Management
  • Nurhayati Simatupang Department of Physical Education
  • Hera Chairunisa Department of Language Education, State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan, post code 20221, Indonesia


development, model, performance.


The purpose of this research is to find a theoretical model of the performance of the Junior High School (SMP) Principals that is effective based on the empirical study of variable exogenous and endogenous variable performance. This research method called the survey method that is exploratory because the research data captured by the questionnaire. The population in this research are all the principal of SMP in Medan on Academic Year 2015/2016 which number as many as 348 people. Furthermore, to obtain a sample used Proportional Random Sampling with reference to the provisions of Isaac and Michael at the significance level of 5%, in order to get a sample of 200 people. This research was conducted in Medan in two stages. The first phase in 2016 to get the instrument variable exogenous and endogenous variable raw performance. Based on trial results of research instrument was conducted in July 2016 on the subject of study as part of the study population obtained valid and reliable research instruments.


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How to Cite

Siburian, T. A., Simatupang, N., & Chairunisa, H. (2017). Model Development of Principal Performanc Through Empirical Study on Junior High School in Medan Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(1), 248–259. Retrieved from


