Impact of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Engagement a Study of Moderated Mediation Model
Employee discretion, Corporate Social Responsibility, Engagement, Practices, Polices, Stakeholders.Abstract
An organization policies and action which it performed voluntarily refers to as corporate social responsibility. These actions and policies of firms impact on the all stakeholders and implementation of corporate social responsibility practices at all level of analysis such as individual, organizational and institutional. The objective of this study to analyse the impact of internal corporate social responsibility on employee engagement, through mediation of employee perception and influence of employee discretion on employee engagement. A cross sectional quantitative study was conducted. A sample size of 163 employees of five major commercial banks operating in Pakistan. The research administrated questionnaire was distributed for data collection. Demographic analysis of respondents was done with the help of descriptive statistics. The results show that internal corporate social responsibility has direct impact and indirect impact through employee perception on employee engagement. Whereas, indirect effect of internal corporate social responsibility on employee engagement, through employee perception, depends on employee discretion.
The findings of this study indicated that commercial banks are not properly implement and practices the internal corporate social responsibility to engage their employees at work place. Practically, this study help full for the banks to understand the essential phenomena of their employees and also provide proper solution, how to engage and satisfied the employees at work place. Theoretically, this study contributes to the existing literature on second stage moderated mediation of internal corporate social responsibility in the context of Pakistan.
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