The Roles of Newspapers Ownership Pattern and Access to Governmental Information in Framing of Issues of Corruption in Sudan


  • Yassin Bashir Hamid School of Multimedia Technology Communication (SMMTC), UUM college of Arts and Sciences University Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintok, kedah, DarulAman, Malaysia
  • Rosli Mohammed School of Multimedia Technology Communication (SMMTC), UUM college of Arts and Sciences University Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintok, kedah, DarulAman, Malaysia
  • Mohd Khirie Ahmed School of Multimedia Technology Communication (SMMTC), UUM college of Arts and Sciences University Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintok, kedah, DarulAman, Malaysia


Newspapers, Ownership Patterns, Access to Government Information, Corruption Issues, Sudan.


Corruption is a global threat to state efficiency which is common to both developed and developing countries alike. However corruption is more evident in developing countries such as; Sudan and its ravaging effects are particularly apparent in Sudan. However, the media contributes largely to the success of democracy in today


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How to Cite

Hamid, Y. B., Mohammed, R., & Ahmed, M. K. (2017). The Roles of Newspapers Ownership Pattern and Access to Governmental Information in Framing of Issues of Corruption in Sudan. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(2), 160–171. Retrieved from


