Minimization of Side Effects of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs by Using Supplements Honey in the Region of Gorontalo City Health Center in 2016


  • Wenny Ischak Health Polytechnic Gorontalo, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesi
  • Imelda Appulembang Health Polytechnic Gorontalo, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesi
  • La banudi Health Polytechnic Kendari, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesi


Tuberculosis, honey, side effects.


The world Health Organization (World Health Organization) recommends programs to cope with TB disease is by the method Strategy Directly Observed Therapy (DOT'S). Incidence of Adverse effects of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) is a problem that many complained of tuberculosis. The purpose of this study see the effect of using honey supplement to the reduction of side effects of the drug on patients with tuberculosis in Puskesmas. The research type experimental study Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) design with Randomized Pre-Post Test Control Group Design. Total sample used by 60 divided into intervention group 30 samples are given 30 ml Honey + OAT and a control group of 30 samples only OAT. Data were analyzed by paired t test and unpaired t test. The results showed there was a difference a reduction in the average value of the side effects significantly in the intervention group compared to the group that is 14.1 dick that is only reduced 2.5 mean a side effect of the previous amount. Supplementation of honey can be influential in the reduction of side effects in patients tuberculosis OAT.


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How to Cite

Ischak, W., Appulembang, I., & banudi, L. (2017). Minimization of Side Effects of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs by Using Supplements Honey in the Region of Gorontalo City Health Center in 2016. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(2), 306–315. Retrieved from


