The Effect of Recitation Al Qur


  • Tahrir Aulawi Study Program Food Science Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Campus of IPB Dramaga, West Java, Indonesia.
  • Joko Hermanianto Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Campus of IPB Dramaga, PO. BOX 220. Bogor 16680. West Java, Indonesia.
  • Rizal Syarief Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center, Bogor Agricultural University, Campus of IPB Dramaga, PO. BOX 220. Bogor 16680. West Java, Indonesia.
  • Henny Nuraini Department of Science Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science Bogor Agricultural University, Campus of IPB Dramaga, PO. BOX 220. Bogor 16680. West Java, Indonesia.


broilers, Al Qur’an, psychological, physical quality, pre-slaughter.


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of recitation Al Qur'an


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How to Cite

Aulawi, T., Hermanianto, J., Syarief, R., & Nuraini, H. (2017). The Effect of Recitation Al Qur. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 32(1), 299–308. Retrieved from


