Perception of Mathematics Teachers Against Implementation of Curriculum 2013


  • Ana Febrianti Siregar Mathematics Education Program Study of Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, Indonesia
  • Edy Surya Mathematics Education Program Study of Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Jl. Williem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, Indonesia


perceptions of teachers, implementation, curriculum 2013.


This study aims to determine the perception of mathematics teachers on the implementation of curriculum 2013. This research method is descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted in Prayatna Junior High School Medan. Data collection techniques used were interviews and observation. Data were analyzed using data reduction, exposure (data display) and conclusion. Triangulation of data used is theoretical triangulation. Research subject of three mathematics teachers. The results obtained by a teacher have not been trained to make RPP in accordance with the curriculum 2013, and two teachers have been trained and able to make RPP, so it can be concluded that the training of making RPP for math teachers in the school has not been evenly distributed. Mathematics teachers also do not use the learning media and props to the maximum, because of the observations found no visual aids or students produced work. Implementation of curriculum 2013 on learning mathematics has not been effective.


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How to Cite

Siregar, A. F., & Surya, E. (2017). Perception of Mathematics Teachers Against Implementation of Curriculum 2013. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 33(2), 144–155. Retrieved from


