The Most Significant Events in the Development of Global Governance and Which of Them Most Directly Impacted on the Human Rights Agenda in International Relations


  • Edgar Miguel Puga Ayala City University London , Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom


Global governance, Human Rights, International Relations, significant events, United Nations Charter, Declaration of the Universal Human Rights, Cold War, Globalisation.


Global governance is an undeniable reality but it was shaped by several events that had an impact on the international relations agenda that, at the same time, was translated into the development of global human rights policies. In this sense, events such as the establishment of the United Nations Charter, the Declaration of the Universal Human Rights, the end of the Cold War and the Globalisation era are analysed and linked to global governance tendencies and the improvements of human rights as a globally accepted value.


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How to Cite

Ayala, E. M. P. (2017). The Most Significant Events in the Development of Global Governance and Which of Them Most Directly Impacted on the Human Rights Agenda in International Relations. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 35(2), 123–129. Retrieved from


