Strategy of Agricultural Extension to Improve Participation of the Farmers in Special Effort in Increasing Rice Production


  • Ait Maryani Lecturer of Bogor Agricultural Extension Collage - Ministry of Agriculture Jalan Arya Suryalaga (d/a Cibalagung) No. 1 Bogor 16001 Indonesia
  • Yoyon Haryanto Lecturer of Bogor Agricultural Extension Collage - Ministry of Agriculture Jalan Arya Suryalaga (d/a Cibalagung) No. 1 Bogor 16001 Indonesia
  • Oeng Anwarudin Lecturer of Bogor Agricultural Extension Collage - Ministry of Agriculture Jalan Arya Suryalaga (d/a Cibalagung) No. 1 Bogor 16001 Indonesia


Participation, Capacity, Strategy of Extension.


The presence of the Government’s program was necessarily able to improve farmers’ participation. One of regencies considered as rice production centers and targeted to increase its production was Sukabumi Regency. Farmers in such Regency tended to focus on rice commodity, so it was no doubt on the farmers’ capability of managing their agricultural business. But, it was allegedly that the participation level of the farmers was relatively unclear as there were so many programs provided by the Government for them. This research aimed at analyzing factors influencing the farmers’ participation and the modeling of the proper strategy of agricultural extension to improve their participation in special effort to increase rice production. The research was done using survey approach in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, with the main locus located on the working area of BP3K Warung Kiaran and BP3K Jampang Kulon. Data collection was done using questionnaire and structured interview with 120 respondents on May-November, 2016. Data analysis was done descriptively and using path analysis. The findings showed that internal factor and farmers’ capabilities had direct effects on their participation in the program of improving rice production, while external factors had indirect effects though the improvement of farmers’ capabilities in such program. The effective strategy of agricultural extension to improve the farmers’ participation in the program of improving rice production was participatory counseling by attempting to increase farmers’ capabilities through intensive interaction with the counselor, provision of relevant sources of agricultural information, doing meaningful learning and learning by self-experiences.


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How to Cite

Maryani, A., Haryanto, Y., & Anwarudin, O. (2017). Strategy of Agricultural Extension to Improve Participation of the Farmers in Special Effort in Increasing Rice Production. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(4), 163–174. Retrieved from


