Performance of Jayapura General Hospital used Balanced Score Card on Year 2015 and 2016


  • Fiktor Mikhael Warkawani Postgraduate Program, Public Health Faculty, University of Cenderawasih, Papua
  • Yermia Msen Postgraduate Program, Public Health Faculty, University of Cenderawasih, Papua
  • A. L. Rantetampang Postgraduate Program, Public Health Faculty, University of Cenderawasih, Papua


Performance, Hospital, Balanced Scorecard.


System Measurement of performance can be made as a means of organizational operation. Balanced Scorecard represent a development from way of measurement of organizational efficacy in company by integrating some measurement technique or assessment of performance separated. Jayapura general hospital during the time need measurement of performance with balanced scorecardmethod, where measurement of performance is which during the time used by that is measurement from monetary performance aspect and performance size measure which pursuant to standard specified by government cannot depict hospital performance as a whole. Target of research: To knowing performance of jayapura general hospital used balanced scorecard on year 2015 and 2016. The method used in this research is case study that is by analysing company data is later;then measured by performance pursuant to four in perspective that is patient, finance, internal business and growth and study. Population is Jayapura officer as much 87 people and 100 patient people as sample. Data approach used questuionaire analysed by univariat. Performance pursuant to is in perspective of patient in Jayapura General Hospital about retention assessed by goodness, good ability in patient mengakuisisi, while satisfaction of patient still not yet is optimal. in perspective Performance of finance measured with growth of earnings of net profit margin conducted good of Jayapura General Hospitalso  happened good effectiveness and efficiency. This matter can be seen by the existence of the make-up of earnings per annum. in perspective Performance of unfavourable assessed internal business process, because hospital not yet optimal improve sale of its service. Besides mortality which is high enough [at] taken care of patient < 48 hour. Performance Jayapura General Hospital pursuant to is in perspective of study and growth, where secretory officer retention experience of improvement, this matter of not satisfaction of officer besides, still its minim of training at sepecialist.  Productivity of good Officerin improving and performance satisfaction of officer which need to be improved.


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How to Cite

Warkawani, F. M., Msen, Y., & Rantetampang, A. L. (2017). Performance of Jayapura General Hospital used Balanced Score Card on Year 2015 and 2016. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(5), 174–192. Retrieved from


