The Applicability of Adopting Lean Techniques in Construction Industry


  • Ahmad Aljahdali Faculty of Engineering, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
  • Hemaid Alsulami Faculty of Engineering, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia


Lean, Construction Industry, Quality, assessment.


The construction industry is one of the most significant industries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially since the economic boom over the last decade that has resulted in large growth in the building of facilities and infrastructure around the kingdom. This study aims to assess the applicability of adopting Lean techniques in the local construction industry. Lean construction is a powerful concept that focuses on continuous improvement of the value stream by eliminating waste and increasing on the amount of value-added steps. The assessment relied on the three main points considered key factors in adopting Lean Construction: the awareness of staff about waste, the amount of waste generated and tools to eliminate it, and barriers to successful implementation of Lean Construction. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of participants working in the industry to collect data about awareness. The average result reflects a moderate awareness of the staff. Also, a case study of the main processes of a large engineering construction and contracting company was conducted.  The amount of waste generated was huge and Lean tools were suggested to allow for an efficient improvement on that processes. Finally, the expected barriers for implementation of Lean Construction were observed and sorted. In conclusion, the study found that Lean construction is applicable to be adopted in the local construction industry, but it needs direct support especially from top management.


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How to Cite

Aljahdali, A., & Alsulami, H. (2017). The Applicability of Adopting Lean Techniques in Construction Industry. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 36(8), 223–236. Retrieved from


