Analysis of Family Support to Compliance of Additional Food Consumption of Additional Biscuits Mothers of Chronic Energy Deficiency in the City Pare-Pare South Sulawesi Province Indonesia


  • Agustina Uta Student Master Program in Public Health Postgraduate School of Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • A. Razak Thaha Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia
  • Suriah Suriah Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia


Supplementary Food, Pregnant Mother, Compliance, Family Support.


In general, non-adherence may lead to increased risk of developing health problems or prolonging or aggravating the ongoing illness. Non-compliance with therapeutic regimens is strongly associated with morbidity, mortality, health deterioration and increased spending. By that, patient compliance in medication or therapy is an important step in improving the status of care and can achieve optimal health status. Assessing the effectiveness of a health program can be attributed to the patient's compliance level in implementing the intervention program. An accurate assessment of compliance behavior is required for effective, efficient treatment planning, therapy and to ensure results of treatment and therapy are provided. The objective of the study was to assess family support for adherence to supplementary food consumption of pregnant women Biscuits Chronic Energy Deficiency in Pare-Pare City.

Type of qualitative research, using a phenomenological approach. Informants are Pregnant Women and Nutrition Officers. Data collection was conducted using in-depth interviews. The results of the study showed that generally Pregnant Women get support from family but not maximal yet. Family support provided with various forms of support such as instrumental support for example leads to health services, information support such as giving advice to informants want and remember to eat Food Supplement biscuits, emotional support such as empathy, affection and attention. Conclusion; Family support in the implementation of Supplementary Food Feeding biscuits pregnant women Chronic Energy Deficiency is still lacking because of knowledge and understanding of the family about the consumption suggestion and the importance of consumption of Food Supplement biscuits according to the number and frequency of recommended less good. Recommendation; The need for an active role of family members through the improvement of family members' knowledge of the interventions program of Supplementary Food Feeding biscuits.


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How to Cite

Uta, A., Thaha, A. R., & Suriah, S. (2018). Analysis of Family Support to Compliance of Additional Food Consumption of Additional Biscuits Mothers of Chronic Energy Deficiency in the City Pare-Pare South Sulawesi Province Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 40(2), 48–54. Retrieved from


