The Integrated Farming System of Crop and Livestock: A Review of Rice and Cattle Integration Farming


  • Mukhlis Mukhlis Department of food crop cultivation, Agricultural Polytechnic, Payakumbuh, West Sumatra 26271, Indonesia
  • Melinda Noer Socio-economic Agriculture Department, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatra 25163, Indonesia
  • Nofialdi Nofialdi Socio-economic Agriculture Department, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatra 25163, Indonesia
  • Mahdi Mahdi Socio-economic Agriculture Department, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatra 25163, Indonesia


Integrated, Farming, Rice, Cattle, Income.


The objectives of the study were to describe the concept of the integrated farming system, the importance of integrated farming system development, and the integrated farming system of crop and livestock. The results showed Integrated farming system is a farming system that combines two or more fields of agriculture, which is based on the recycling biological concept, and linked of input-output between the mutually commodities which  approach of low external input utilization, which is done on the land, through the utilization of crop waste, animal manure, fish waste for the purpose of increasing the production and productivity so as to increase farmer income and can create condition that are environmentally friendly farming. The development of the integrated farming system is very important, because the integrated farming system has many usages and advantages and benefits in line with the objectives of the regional development that to improve the social welfare. It can be a solution for the various problems that arise in the regional development. Rice and Cattle Integration System is a rice farming system that is integrated with cattle where there is a reciprocal relationship. Rice plants provide straw and bran for cattle as feed and cattle produce feces that is useful for rice plants as organic fertilizer, so that it can increase the production and productivity of rice and cattle and can increase farmers' income. Implementation of rice and cattle integration system could increase the use family labor, reduced the use of inorganic fertilizers, reduced production costs, and can increase rice farming income and cattle business income.


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How to Cite

Mukhlis, M., Noer, M., Nofialdi, N., & Mahdi, M. (2018). The Integrated Farming System of Crop and Livestock: A Review of Rice and Cattle Integration Farming. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 42(3), 68–82. Retrieved from


