The Model of Biogas Utilization from Livestock Manure Using Farmer Group Approach to Meet Alternative Energy at Household Scale
Alternative fuels, waste, mitigation.Abstract
This study aims to analyze the potential of waste generated from the application of integrated farming systems through biogas production produced as alternative fuel for households. The results showed that the waste of integrated farming system in the form of livestock manure can produce biogas and organic fertilizers that can be used by farming managers as an input for production activities and for sale. A cow can produce biogas around 600-1000 liters per day. The use of biogas as an alternative fuel for stoves and lamps can save household expenditure to buy fossil fuels. Besides avoiding scarcity of fossil fuels, it can also reduce the negative impact of livestock farming activities. In addition, people using biogas are participating in the mitigation of greenhouse gases.
This study develops a model of biogas utilization using farmer group approach where each group, consists of 20 people, manage a number of 20 to 50 cows. The group members exploit biogas from cow’s manure with the concept of 'come with grasses, go home with biogas'. They use biogas bags, so that bio-digesters at cow’s stalls are operated to refill biogas.
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